I have a comment and then a question.
When I was 16 my mother started on this campaign to get me married. I know she was scared I would have sex before marriage (although that was pretty impossible considering the very short leash I was on). But she would dress me up and we would go to different congregations and CA. She would talk to the single - mostly much older available brothers - and make it pretty clear she had a daughter of marriagable age. Some of these men were definitely mentally ill - guess no one else wanted them.
When I was 17 a young man started attending our book study - in our home - and would stay after to ask a lot of bible questions. At first she stayed to answer his questions but before long she was leaving us alone in the living room more and more. She would create excuses to get us together like me being friendly with him to make him more welcome. Well after 6 months of this she stormed into the kitchen one day when we were going over some mag or book or something and announced that we better get married or people will start to talk. She then said we had 5 minutes to think about it and then would be back.
I think we were both shocked. But he really liked me. I didn't really like him much but he was an improvement over some of the other older men - this one was at least my age. He said "So what do you think?" and I said OK. MY mother came in and was thrilled we said yes. She set the date - 6 weeks away - the week after he got baptized. He knew I didn't love him - barely knew him in fact.
Most people in the congregation were shocked. Not too many people knew him - or liked him. One sister even told me she thought I could do better. I would have said no to this whole arrangement if one of her sons was even remotely interested but then again I knew that neither of her sons would have allowed themselves to be railroaded like this.
After 2 weeks of marriage I knew this was a terrible mistake and begged her to let me come home - Answer: You made your bed now lie in it. Hmmm thought this was her idea and she was much more concerned about how it would look in the congregation if I left after 2 weeks. Would up staying for 15 years before I got the courage to leave.
OK my question: Do you know of any other JW kids this happened to. I now realize how sick my mother was/is but were other parents like this?
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002